Friday, July 12, 2002

SQRRR = Screwy

Does anyone else remember this method of learning? It was drilled into my head in 5th and 6th grade. And I hated it. When I read something I like to read it thoroughly the first time. If I don't understand something I'll look it up as I go along.

The SQRRR method, standing for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review has altered my brain. I understand teaching kids how to scan quickly for information and then look at that section in more detail. That's a good concept. But the re-reading, and the re-reading, and the re-reading of this method is what killed me. I understood everything the first time. Why do I need to go through it again and again? So I basically skipped that part and learned how to scan.

This is where the problems have come in later in life. Just this week I've scanned documents looking for key information and have mis-read words.

For example:
Scanning an insurance bill instead of reading that the company does not cover floods and other related "perils", I read and other related "penis." I had to look at that thing for about 3 minutes before I realized what it really said.

Then today, scanning for addresses online I read 1 Finsbury "Cross" instead of One Finsbury "Circus"

This tends to happen to me alot making me wonder if this method hasn't made me somewhat dyslexic. Are there any other victims out there?

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