Tuesday, July 16, 2002

So now I'm old(er)

Yesterday was my birthday. So I'm a year older. I don't know about wiser.

It was a very nice day. They got me a cake and sang to me at the office. Reasonably well actually. You know when you glom a group of random people together you usually get 8 keys and 10 paces of "Happy Birthday" but they stayed together and blended well. I was impressed.

Then I came home and Andy cooked dinner for me. Grilled chicken topped with a garlic basil butter. YUMM! And then we settled in and watched "The Royal Tennebaums."

This was a weird movie. It was sort of like the book I read a while back In the House of the Spirits. When I saw the previews I thought it would be a little more funny haha, not funny weird. Don't get me wrong they were some funny bits and the actors were terrific actors. I think my favorite was Bill Murray's line " You don't love me any more do you? Well I just want to die." Said with a completely straight face in a very monotone way as he picks up a cookie and changes his mind about eating it.

But Bill Murray always cracks me up. The rest of the movie was strange, a bit dark, and not filled with as many sarcastic and witty remarks as I would've wanted to lighten things up. Not a bad movie over all. But I don't think I need to see it again.

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