Thursday, May 09, 2002

Would you like that in a larger size ma'am?

I went to the mall at lunch today. When I go shopping I'm not really used to being ignored. In fact the opposite, I'm used to gearing up to say "No thanks I'm just looking."

Just about the only store where I've been able to shop in peace without being harrassed is Ann Taylor's since whenever I go in there I'm usually wearing my schlubbiest outfit ever and they don't seem to think I can afford their lovely clothes. It always seems to shock the salespeople when I actually buy anything from that store.

In any case today was very unusual in that EVERY store I went into the salespeople ignored me. The worst was in American Eagle. I walked in and started browsing. After a little rumaging I found what I came for. A cotton sweater! On sale! $20! Bingo!

I started looking for a salesperson to let me into the dressing room...there was some guy that I just saw letting another girl one anywhere. I walked towards the front of the store. AHA! That's him folding clothes! As I walk towards him he looks up... I say "Hi" and as I'm opening my mouth to ask to get into the dressing room he says "Hi" and turns his back to me and starts to walk away. What service! Now I noticed he had no problem letting the pre-pubescent 12 year into the dressing room. So I'm holding this sweater in my hand like an idiot, and very frustrated, I start to chase after him through the clothes racks saying very loudly "Could I please try this on?" He turns around flustered, wearing this look like"OH you want something? I thought you were just a lonely old woman flirting with me." He lets me into the dressing room.

I don't know if the college kids are home and "working" for the summer and that explains why there was absolutely no service anywhere today, or if the sales staff at this particular mall is extra surly. Maybe I just looked too old to be trying on clothes in American Eagle.

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