Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Damn the birds!

I have hanging baskets on my front porch. I buy them every year because they look pretty. Every year though, some sparrow or finch decides to make their own personal high rise out of my flowers.

This year I bought big, beautiful geraniums. Really dense ones. Ones I thought birds couldn't even get into they were so dense. And I waited until I thought all the birds were done nesting before I put them up. I put them up one week ago Sunday. I've checked them almost every day since. Apparently not often enough though.

Yesterday evening when I got home from work there was a baby robin on our porch. Just hanging out. The robins had nested in one of the supports under our deck, btw. He stayed on the porch peeping and pooping until I opened the storm door. Then he flew off, rather clumsily into one of our fireberry bushes. This was no problem. The problem was the pair of finches that took off at the same time from the same general area, and I hadn't seen them sitting around.

I start checking my baskets. At first I don't see anything, but then I notice a few straws poking out of one. I'm thinking, "If they've only just started building, I'll pull it out and they'll go somewhere else." As I peer a little deeper I see it's a whole nest already made! With two eggs yet! Well now I can't evict them. Not once there are children involved.

So another year I get to water very carefully around a little nest, and try not to wig the birds out every time I use our front door.

I think they should change the saying from "rutting like bunnies" to "rutting like finches"...those suckers are FAST!

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