Monday, April 22, 2002

We seem to be plagued by an unusual number of solicitors lately at work. I don't know if like every other type unpleasant pest, the warm weather brings them out, or if it's been clinically proven that when you harrass people in the spring they're more likely to buy something from you.

Not all of them are bad, there are some local merchants who are just stopping by with a menu, or to annouce their new opening. I don't mind those, since they're usually very friendly and just stop in for a second. Then there are two types of slimy ones. The first kind talk slick, but tend to run quickly if you pressure them for any kind of details, information for them to leave for us to look at etc. And they usually don't come back.

The second are the real talkers, and these are the ones I hate. You have to tell them several times that you're not interested "But why not our widgets are the greatest widgets on earth?" or in a couple of cases, we already used their service (or the service they were supposedly selling) and they don't seem to believe me. Like a Verizon "rep" who stopped by and tried to use my phone to call in and make sure we had "all of their latest services." I had to physically block my phone from her. Or the ones who ask if they can come in for a meeting with our CEO, our CFO, or anybody more important than you little girl...

Then there's the phone sales. "Could I speak to whoever is in charge of your IT department?" We're all of 12 people big. We don't have an IT department. "Well could I speak to whoever is in charge or ordering your office equipment?" You got her. "Oh! Could I interest you in. . .?" No thanks.

BLECCH! I suppose it's a job, but how could you stand to do that to people all day? I think I would come home nauseous if I had to do that.

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