Tuesday, October 08, 2002


Having grown up in Maryland with family from Tennessee I've acquired a strange mish-mosh of accents. I've got the Maryland 'O' so that I go to the p'oh'st office. But I've also got that southern twang on some words. Specifically 'bacon', 'all day' and the words 'pen' and 'pin' are indistinguishable when coming from my mouth.

I think this also affects the way I hear certain words as well, besides amusing Andy to no end. Examples you say? Ok...

Laura's misunderstood song lyrics:
What I heard = what the song actually said
semi-tall kind of life = semi-charmed kind of life
casting deep via stares at my erection = casting devious stares in my direction
you're just like my can of barbasol = you're just like my Ken and Barbie doll

This type of thing is part of what makes me afraid to sing to songs out loud when someone else is in the car. Especially Andy, who'll crack up and ask WHAT did you just say???? Maybe I need to go in for some type of speech therapy.

Maybe just the regular kind...

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