Wednesday, March 12, 2008


On Monday during a diaper change I noticed that something was a little different about Aidan. Being alarmed I called the doctor and took him straight in.

My doc checked him out and said, "He has a hydrocele (No, I'm not explaining, look it up. My poor boy has to grow up and possibly read this some day. Bad enough I've posted about it at all!) and probably a hernia. You need to get him to see a pediatric surgeon tomorrow and work out a plan of attack. In the meantime keep an eye on things and if it turns red, or bluish or he seems to be in pain don't call us just take him straight to the emergency room." Scary enough as is right? Now let's add in the fact that Andy is out of town.

So I spent all morning yesterday playing ring around the rosey with 4 different doctor's offices and finally succeeded in getting an appointment for this afternoon.

The great news is that it is just a hydrocele, which will most likely clear up on it's own and if it doesn't they can do a very minor procedure to correct it when he's 18 months old. If it had been a hernia he would have required surgery and probably pretty quickly, so thank God it was all ok.

Ellen's been staying with me while Andy was away so at least I didn't have to be alone at night. Andy's mom went with me to the appointment and the whole family, both sides, has been sitting at the ready for any eventuality. And Auntie T was ready to hop in at any second too! It's good to be loved I think. Aidan has no idea yet just how lucky he is to have so much wonderful family!

Talk about a fun couple of nights though. Especially when he fussed at all overnight I jumped up to check and make sure everything was ok, which meant turning on the light. Which meant he woke up entirely and we all had to be soothed back to sleep.

Andy gets home in a few hours. I was going to be happy to see him to begin with, I think now I'll absolutely knock him down with happiness.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your sleep tonight! I'm so glad the little guy is OK. Of course, we knew he would be. He IS perfect.....

Anonymous said...

I hope the little guy's, uh, issue gets resolved with no, uh, problems. Better to be big than small, he he.