Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Did I do that?

I'm a worrier. Always have been. I don't like being late to things, in case I miss something or offend someone. I get nervous around knives in the off chance that they will leap from my hands and manage to cut off a toe. I tend to think of everything that could possibly happen, worst case scenario.

This helps in some ways. I'm always over prepared. Which has come in handy on occassion (see spinal tap puking incident). But sometimes I wonder if thinking about these types of things might actually make them more likely to happen. If I'm nervous holding a knife that makes me shakier and more likely to drop it doesn't it?

I've always wondered about that stadium full of people concentrating on a tree to make it burst into flames concept. Or to quote pop culture, the scene in The Matrix when the oracle tells Neo not to worry about the vase he's about to break. Did he break it because it was fortold, or because she made him nervous about it?

A few years back Andy was out of town on a business trip, and for whatever reason the worry that stuck in my head all week was "What if I get in a car accident? Who would I call to help me?" It kept popping back in my head over and over every time I got in the car to go anywhere. Until finally the day before he was due back, someone rear-ended me. It actually turned out to be a co-worker, and neither car was damaged in any way, since it happened at about 5 mph. The one thing that I found so odd was what he kept repeating over and over after the initial "I'm so sorry." His wife had told she'd had problems with the brakes and he'd been worrying about hitting someone all week.

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