Monday, June 17, 2002

I've been a little remiss

Sorry folks (all 11 of you reading). I've been slipping out of my blogging habit of late, so time to re-new!

Fun story for today? Disney's new movie "Lilo and Stitch." Now, I'm a fairly big Disney fan. I try to see their new movies every year. But they seem to have problems when they go "ethnic." Pocohontas for example SUCKED. And this new one doesn't look promising. An alien landing in Hawaii and learning how to surf, hula and say "Cowabunga." Doesn't seem stereotypical to me at about you?

Of course then I read on Yahoo the disturbing news that Spam is so popular in Hawaii that McDonald's is actually market testing a Spam breakfast combo. Among other local favorites...Spam sushi. Maybe Disney isn't as far off as I think.

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