Monday, August 01, 2005


I can no longer read Dooce at work. All thanks to the special filters the system administrators have set on our system. Dooce has been my daily saviour and the source of much enjoyment at work. ALL GONE!!!

I hate filters. I hate companies that employ useless filters to prevent employees from using the internet at work.

Here's a hint people, your employees have lives outside work. They spend one third of their entire day in your office. At least. And guess what that's during normal business hours for everything else in the country too. So in order to take care of everyday life your employees are going to surf the web. They're also going make personal phone calls. To the doctor, the day care, the dry cleaner, the babysitter, the dentist, their best friend they haven't seen in 3 weeks because they've been working 10 hour days for your company...but they're still going to get their shit done!

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