9 Months - 3/4 of a year old!This month has been packed full of goodness. Aidan's been crawling like a fiend, pulling up on anything stationary, and anything that wasn't! He has a few little "explorer boo-boos" on his head from all the non-stop investigation.
I can't get over how much personality Aidan has. This month has really shown that developing. He has things he distinctly likes and dislikes, which really shouldn't surprise me. His father has strong opinions on most things (Porter? NO! Not really you say!) and even though I tend to waffle a bit, once I've made my snap judgement there's no changing my mind. I forsee a bit of trouble in about 13 years, poor boy . . . poor us.
Those top teeth finally made an appearance . . . did they ever! We waited months and then, boom! The middle two came in a week apart from each other and a week and a half later the two on either side of those poked through the gums. That makes a grand total of six for now, nursing just got a whole lot more challenging, in case you were wondering.
Aidan's clocking in at a little over 21 lbs, 29 inches (yes, yes, I realize that's nearly half my height already, thanks) and the doctor thinks he's doing really well. Always reassuring to hear that from a man with three kids, and 5 grand-kids himself.
Most of all this month I think Aidan has become more company for me. He participates in our outings instead of being along for the ride. I'm overjoyed at the thought of all the things to come. Trips to the zoo, the aquarium, Auntie T's farm to see the goats and cats...it's gonna be such a blast.
We also start Water Babies class in about a month, more on that once we start. Our few small trips to the pool were good, but I'm really hoping he'll learn to love the water like me. Some of my best memories growing up were from going to the pool in the summer with my friends.
So, like I said big doings this month. I didn't even touch the fact that he's learned how to use his sippy cup and blow raspberries, just started waving bye-bye, and has started shifting from one hand-hold to another while standing! Whew!