Monday, June 18, 2007

Again, again!

I've been trying to formulate how to word this post for quite some time and I still haven't come up with anything very clever. The stumper has been a combination of my utter joy and complete terror of all things that could possibly happen. This seems to have frozen the part of my brain that would allow me to create something "cutesy."

However, you simply can't box yourself in safe and sound somewhere and hope that bad things never happen. You have to continue living life. So we've decided to continue bravely forward and pray for the best.

We will be welcoming a new Glendinning to the clan in December. The day after Christmas if the guesstimates of the doctors and sonogram tech are accurate.

I hope they are, because it would truly be the Best Christmas Present Ever.


emma said...

Hi Laura- Thanks for sharing your news. Congratulations-I wish you and Andy the best! I think birthdays near Christmas are great... Emma from Ohio

Laura said...

HI EMMA!!! So nice to hear from you! Send me an email so we can catch up, I'd love to hear how you're doing.

I don't want to spell it because of spammers, but just send it to: