Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Got Jesus?

My oldest, bestest friend ever sent me some emails today that absolutely made my day. Below are the excerpts, hope you enjoy them as much as I did...

"Had a king cake at work today. Ever seen one? ICK! It looks like someone barfed Mardi Gras. It is REALLY cool though! It has all sorts of stuff smushed into it, like goblets and a crown, and a mask. Best part is THERE IS A BABY JESUS HIDDEN IN THE CAKE! Can you imagine anything more sacreligious than chomping on the Lord! I already put dibs in for the kid. Technically, whoever finds the Saviour whilst chewing the hideous mass of sugar and cinnamon gets good luck and the responsibility of bringing the kings cake the following year. But our little Christ is popping out of the cake (oops!) so it isn't a surprise.

Gotta go check on the status. I might have a baby Jesus waiting for me!"

And then 2 minutes laterthe ultimate email...


Thank you T for always always always making my day :)

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