Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Gotta love 'em

I have such a good dog. Today he decided at 4 AM to play with his bone, the really hard one made of cow, not the rubber one. On the hardwood. So I woke up to clatter clatter BANG!

Then he decided he was lonely and brought the bone up to the bedroom. Muffled the clatter clatter banging, but his teeth scraping against the bone wasn't what I would call quiet. That was about 4:30.

At 4:45 he wanted me to get up so he whined and whined and when I didn't move he licked me square across the face. So I pulled him up on the bed and held him and petted him until I drifted off. As soon as he felt my hand drop, he jumped down and did that not quite a bark thing for 5 minutes. I wouldn't budge, because I refuse to let him win. He KNOWS that he's not supposed to bug me until the alarm goes off (sounds crazy but he does know this).

So at 5 AM he gives up whining and then goes back downstairs. I doze off again until I hear RIP RIP RIP RIP!!! And I'm thinking CRAP! We just got some checks and they were on the table...so I go running downstairs to find he's gotten into the recycling and is shredding up credit card applications.

I just gave up and gave him his breakfast and let him out. Of course as soon as that was done he RACED back up the stairs, to the bed and went to sleep.

Little brat.

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