Friday, August 13, 2004

Not sure what to think of that

I've recently (last night) gotten my hair done. Cut in about the same style that I've had it cut many many many times since I discovered the style in 1998, but also "low-lighted."

Not highlighted blond as I've done in the past, but low lighted a lovely "Caramel." Which, oddly enough is very close to the color my hair should probably be if I ever left it alone long enough.

Since this change is recent though I'm still going through the initial shock of using much less shampoo, and " do I style short hair again?" An added bonus that I hadn't expected is that the last two times I've looked in the mirror I've thought to myself "Geez my hair is awfully dirty today!" Only to remember, "Wait I made it look this way on purpose."

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