Friday, March 07, 2003

Birds R Us

Apparently birds like us.

In college we found a hurt dove by the side of the road, and between us, a few trips to the vet, and some very interesting manuevers to get antibiotics in it's little beak, we got it healthy and in flying condition again.

For a couple of years we had baby birds in our garage. They had migrated down from our attic where the nest was, and hopped/flew madly around our little garage until we convinced them outside was a much better place to be.

This morning however has to be the most bizarre bird incident ever (well, barring the hawk's head on the deck which I won't go into now). I let the dog out this morning and heard scurrying in our AC fan. Thinking a mouse had decided our fan would make a wonderful winter home, I peaked in. Imagine my surprise when a little bird flapped up and clung to the bars covering the top of the fan. I looked all over the fan unit. There were no holes. How in the hell the bird got in there in the first place I've yet to figure out. But it remained he was stuck, and with no hole to lure him out of we had to do something to get him out.

I ran upstairs and woke Andy up. Of course, waking up, trying to comprehend what seems an impossibility is not a fun way to start your day. See our woodpecker story for more details. But up he got and we unscrewed the lid and let the little beast out. I should mention it was 20 degrees this morning. I should also mention this was at 6:15 AM.

But the little angel's lose and safe. That's the important thing.

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