Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Month 15

This month was the month of the teeth. Aidan's cut almost all four of his first molars. Just one left on the top that hasn't quite finished poking through. He's also learned how to go down the stairs backwards, and most importantly if we ask him a question he thinks about it, and answers. With a sign and possibly part of a word.

The other day while Andy's mom was watching him, she asked Aidan if he needed a diaper change. He raced over to the stairs, signing change and saying "Di! Di!" He's repeated this at home and if he's already upstairs, races towards his room.

Aidan also started saying "Arrow" to the dog again. He had stopped for a few weeks, we weren't sure why. But yesterday he started right back up again. Maybe it was because of the new teeth, talking just wasn't as much fun for a little while.

That's about all on the progress for now. Hopefully things will warm up around here soon and there'll be trips to the park, the pool, etc.

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