Monday, December 31, 2007


A lot has been going on here and I haven't had the time to post any of it. Ok, strike that, I've had the time, but sleep seemed such a better use of it. So here it is in bits and pieces.

Aidan is 4 weeks old today! So hard to believe he's been here a month already. Also hard to believe that he was only supposed to be getting here a few days ago. I'm so glad he's here already, and so glad I didn't have to go through Christmas incredibly pregnant and still on that stupid diabetic diet!

Aidan's doing well, gaining weight, despite being the world's greatest spit-up champion. We'll be going back for a check-up next week, so more details on how the jaundice is going then. He's still not sleeping for any longer than 3 hours at a time, and night still seems to equal day. Oh well, we'll get there.

I went to a Bridal shower for Grace, Penn's fiance. Because she lives in CT, Mom suggested having a card party. i.e. giving her gift cards. Because I'm going to be her sister-in-law, and even though it wasn't on the suggestion list, I gave her a Victoria's Secret gift card. I wasn't the only one though who is determined to keep alive the spirit of a bridal shower. One of Dad's co-workers (and Penn's boss from this summer!) actually gave Grace a piece of lingerie. Go Priscilla!!

This past Saturday was also 2 years since we lost Stuart. I thought about him several times that morning, but had actually forgotten that it was the day. It seems so odd not to have remembered, but good in a way. I can think about him with happy thoughts now, that are only slightly sad. The saddest thing for me is that he's not here to play with his little brother. Some day though we'll all be together again.

That's the latest from me. Anything else new and exciting I'll post as it happens. Otherwise you can assume I'm changing diapers, wiping up spit-up, doing masses of baby laundry, bouncing a baby, or even very rarely, sleeping.

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