Wednesday, May 21, 2003

A trip down nostalgia lane

A friend and I recently made a trip back to our old stomping grounds, St. Mary's College. They've changed so much, and yet some things stayed the same. The smell of the dorms for one. Amazing that we could have forgotten that smell. Amazing that we could have lived four years of our lives in it.

The most hear-wrenching experience of the day though was seeing the new cafeteria. Easily 3 or 4 times the size of the one in our days. Big and beautiful, done in a sort of refined hunting lodge style.

I wondered if they still serve Italian Delight. A delicacy served to us repeatedly, that involved the previous night's pasta dish and a freshly opened can of corn. Mixed together. Yes, on purpose. When asked about it, the cafeteria workers' response was "it's the corn that makes it delightful."

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