Saturday, October 26, 2002

Just call me Soupy Sales

I've always been a bit on the clumsy side. I tend to drop things, especially if they're delicate and breakable. Well, today I think I reached a new height in my clutziness.

I was making soup from a packet. You know one of those that comes with the beans and seaoning, just needs broth and meat added? Well, things started out ok. I was boiling my water and broth, just time to add the creamy soup base (better known as powdered milk). And for some reason I decided to shake the package before opening it.


Powder everywhere. All over the counter, all over the appliances, all over the floor, and all over and in my shirt.

I just moaned. Andy called from downstairs "what's wrong?" and came up to see what was the matter. If nothing else he had a very good laugh (and so did I eventually) and the dog had a delightful time licking everything within his reach in the kitchen.

The soup turned out fine.

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